Spark Tezos Token

CodeDay Labs 2020 ∙
Mentor: James Gan, Software Engineer II at PayPal

Team members: Anh Nguyen, Andrew Chang, Oscar Vergara

Create a deflationary TZIP-12 token on Tezos (Blockchain cryptocurrency).

For context, the first deflationary token has a market cap of about $600,000, since inspiring some similar cryptocurrencies using different technology stacks.

This is fairly easy to implement, mostly following an interface with some basic math. However, Tezos development is done in Michelson (very similar to OCaml), a functional programming language. This project will allow students to become familiar with Blockchain and Blockchain development using test networks, and functional programming.

This project should probably only be considered for students that are already interested in Blockchain, and might require some previous CLI/*nix experience.

I will assign some research work to students towards the beginning of the project to ensure that everyone gets up to speed on Michelson development quickly.

How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?

CodeDay Labs advanced-track team
Participation Certificate


Oscar V